^ These are not my Tyranids( Don't worry, I will show you mine soon enough)
So are all these new necrons really so bad for us tyranids? I don't think it is wrong of me by saying that they are not the best a CC. They have a lot of anti-vehicle, but not in a way where Tyranids will be suffering much. They do have stuff like Tesseract Labarynth that allows the carrier to kill a character or monstrous creature in BSB(Base to base) with it. That could hurt our MCs, but really, a good tyranid player should make sure to screen the MC and make sure it will not stand in BSB with the necron with Tesseract labyrinth.
We also have the canoptic scarabs that removes the armour save on multiwound model if it takes an unsaved wound. Again, a propper screen should do the trick and if you are really that afraid of them reaching your MC, then have a screen and then get something like Raveners or Gargoyles to counter charge them.
All in all, the new necrons does not look as any particular thread against Tyranids. Not that I don't think that the new necrons can win in a game against Tyranids (because they certainly can), but they are not a total counter army to the Tyranids like Dark Eldars.
Also I believe that the new necrons might just turn the Meta in our favor. With a good amount of anti-vehicle, we might just see less parking lots in the future.
This is just thoughts, not facts.
However, a good amount of people have also started necrons in my local game store, so within not so long, I should have in some battles against them and I will of course share the battles here.
- Bot
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