WIHRS has landed here at the 40kBattlegrounds, as you might (or not) know I play necrons, I first began with necrons in late 2009 so i have endured their 3rd edition codex and is now switching to 5th edition.
I will talk/write (of course I wont talk, this is the internet after all and their is no video tape of me so you cant hear my voice but you can always read the letters I write.. anyway) I would like to start with the absolute first page in the necron codex, (yup im going to talk/write about every single page in the necron 5th edt codex, even those with pictures)
what I like about the most of 40ks codex’s is that you can read how that specific army is meant to be used just by looking at the front page, and I thought that maybe I could do that at the new necron codex. But no! The newest codex’s (mostly made by Matt ward) are just a lot of color and pencil lines, it looks awesome indeed. But it has no meaning and is even if there were a meaning it would be the simplest of all. To gain money for the Gameswork shop industry.. Sad yes indeed.
what I like about the most of 40ks codex’s is that you can read how that specific army is meant to be used just by looking at the front page, and I thought that maybe I could do that at the new necron codex. But no! The newest codex’s (mostly made by Matt ward) are just a lot of color and pencil lines, it looks awesome indeed. But it has no meaning and is even if there were a meaning it would be the simplest of all. To gain money for the Gameswork shop industry.. Sad yes indeed.
2nd page: here we see a picture of a very cool looking necron army. this is another trick to trap us consumers into buying this "awesome looking thing" that is a necron army.
3rd page: BIG no wait, what I mean is.. GIGANTIC letters that says.. Necrons, and a little signature which forms Matthew wards name.. Tragedy, or is it?!
4th page.. Okay this is to silly, I’ll promise you that ill only talk about some of the important stuff from now on..
The foundation of the necron fluff.
When necrons still was young in the game of warhammer 40k they were nothing more but simple autonoms with one ultimate goal.. To destroy all life in the galaxy and harvest it for their C´tan god masters.. Now the once almighty and indeed awesome gods is not as we thought them to be, because Matt ward wrought the new fluff about them, and they now posses no will of their own and their UNLIMITED POWERS is now reduced to something a normal hive tyrant could have.. The master has become the slave, the tides have turned, call what you will but the once so stupid and robotic necrons is now clever and with minds of their own. I think it’s actually pretty awesome that the new necrons is recreating their former Dynasties. but the fluff about their C´tan masters is not as good as it could be, Matt ward choose to split apart the C´tans, creating small shards of the once mighty gods.
How did the necrons become victories when their enemies were nothing less then a being of pure energy. Well this is unexplained in the codex. Well it says something about a weapon of massive power that not even the C´tan themselves could endure. So what matt ward is saying is, that the necrons posses a weapon able to destroy not one but at least 6 Gods. Gods that is able to create a black whole with less effort. So this weapon of immense power is hidden were, nobody knows. Not even the necrons for if they knew the location of this almost unrealistic (unrealistic is a word I rarely use and especially when im talking about a imaginary universe that involves Aliens such as Dark eldars and Necrons) this almost unrealistic weapon they would have used it. What if it was destroyed by a super nova or meteor storm? (says a voice from a far distance) well if this weapon would be so power full, then it should have been protected not by the most advanced protection But THE MOST advanced protection, or something entirely else.
How did the necrons become victories when their enemies were nothing less then a being of pure energy. Well this is unexplained in the codex. Well it says something about a weapon of massive power that not even the C´tan themselves could endure. So what matt ward is saying is, that the necrons posses a weapon able to destroy not one but at least 6 Gods. Gods that is able to create a black whole with less effort. So this weapon of immense power is hidden were, nobody knows. Not even the necrons for if they knew the location of this almost unrealistic (unrealistic is a word I rarely use and especially when im talking about a imaginary universe that involves Aliens such as Dark eldars and Necrons) this almost unrealistic weapon they would have used it. What if it was destroyed by a super nova or meteor storm? (says a voice from a far distance) well if this weapon would be so power full, then it should have been protected not by the most advanced protection But THE MOST advanced protection, or something entirely else.
For an example, the reason why the necrons felt into slumber under their tombs were not because the galaxy ran out of life as we previously thought. But because of a new thread. a race born by the old ones (the old ones are necrons nemesis and rivals, but together with the C´tans the necrontyrs killed all of the old ones but not all of their spawning those children of the old ones are these, Orkz, Eldars and many others) this race was the eldars, the necrons were to weak to fight against the Eldars and instead of raging into a war they would so surely loose they instead sleeped on it (literally speaking) but how could this war be so bad for the necrons when the eldars are hardly a challenge for the necrons now? AND the necrons would not only have all of their legions awake but also a massive weapon of ultimate power. Why is it that the necrons could not win this battle? That remains unexplained, Matthew ward does not want to tell us or at least for now..
Its not that I don’t like the new concept of necrons, I think the new Dynasty concept is great; it gives me great opportunities to make my own fluff for my army. But its just like already said/wrote, Its like a child who gets an idea, sticks with the idea but then suddenly half through the progress it realizes that some of it doesn’t make sense, so the child makes up a bad excuse for his mistake and leaves it as it is, while hoping no one cares, but hell I care, and I care a lot.
like on page 26-27 (thats the pages with battle reports and other small stories of no importance) its silly how he tales about the necrons, like in one of the stories the necrons destroys a squad of eldars speeders by teleporting a monolith right in front of the speeders so they would crash right into this gigantic floating pyramid/monolith. I think it’s a silly thought to be thinking... Savvy?
But what the heck its one of those things you can ignore.
I believe this is all from me, or at least about the necron fluff, the army in its whole (that includes unit description and how I would make use of them ((the special character will have a section for themselves but I will sometimes refer to them if it’s of any tactical use)) the army in its whole will come up soon as possible so stay put and watch closely for things that you might agree or not agree on.
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